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Hikers set to explore Bluff’s old whaling station

Saturday and Sunday hikes

DURBAN Ramblers hikers will venture out to view the old whaling station on the Bluff this Sunday, 16 December.

On Saturday, 15 December the hikers will be led by Werner out to Giba Gorge and down to the bottom of McIntosh Falls.

Call Werner on 084-206-7836 about this strenuous grade three hiker which includes some steep trails to the bottom of the falls. Hikers will enjoy the cool spray and refreshments afterwards at Giba Centre. Cost is R20. Meet at 1.45pm at Giba Gorge Mountain Bike Park.

On Sunday, 16 December, hikers will explore from the Bluff Military Base to the old whaling station with hike leader Margie Forbes (073-437-6915).

Call her to discuss this moderate grade two hike of about 16km which includes a good stretch of beach walking.

Margie will lead hikers from the Bluff military base, down to the pier and along the beach to the old whaling station. Take your cameras as there are great photo opportunities. Be sure to wear a hat and take along lots of water. Meet to start hiking at 7.30am outside the gate to the military base on Marine Drive, just after it ceases to be Lighthouse Road.

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