ABC wins shield at Port Natal AGM

The winner of the 100 board was Stella Erasmus.

By Cher E Bell

AMANZIMTOTI Bowling Club is proud to have won the Daily News Shield for coming third in the club aggregate and performance award at the Port Natal AGM.

This is for good administration as well as entries and success in Port Natal competitions.

Well done on a combined effort. After the second round of Hypersure mixed trips, the new leaders are Heather Brown, Martin Birch and Karen Shepherd. Check the latest ladder on the noticeboard to see how teams are placed. Play will commence as usual next Friday from 4pm.

The last of the round robin stage of the Brad Cox singles was played on Wednesday, 24 January. Players going through from games played on 17 January were Doreen Salmond, Greg McLeod, Peter Callaghan, Keith West and Ian Crouch. All section winners will play next Wednesday, 31 January. Details of the draw will be on the board.

In the women’s trips the winners were Marietjie van den Bergh, Marie van der Walt and Carole Glaves; runners-up were Vera Broskie, Jacqui Fouché and Dawn Schauer and the second session was won by Stella Erasmus, Dot Liebetrau and Lynn Fitzsimmons. The 100 board winner was Stella Erasmus.

Ian Crouch and Lofty van Tonder won the men’s 2-4-2; second were Brad and Brian Cox; and the second session went to Pete Shepard and Ian Shearer.

In the Big Chicks, winners were Willem Pelser, Alec Stirzaker, Jenny Delport and Jackie Holdrick; runners-up were Adie Fuller, Vince Phaal, Amanda Ninow and Karen Shepherd; and in third place were Ian Crouch, Lofty van Tonder, Andrew Walker and Adrienne Robbins. Second session went to Alf Bingham, Barry Buckland, Chris van der Westhuizen and Maggie Robertson; and most bowls was won by Heather Brown, Bobby Henderson, Lys McDonald and Les Brown. Maggie Robertson won the whisky on the 100 board, which was donated by Gladys Hughes. Thanks also to Brian Pascoe for his sponsorship and to Dave Gardner for the organisation.

The draw is on the board for the women’s open and senior singles. Bowlers are asked to arrange to play their games as soon as possible and organise markers. Non-workers can play their games during the week. New bowlers are especially asked to note the times for social bowls is Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1pm for 1.30pm and Sundays at 8.30am for 9am.

At TGIF the Damagers won the 100 board. Bernie Bretherton’s tab number was drawn in the attendance draw, but sadly she was not there to win the prize. Next week’s draw will be worth R450. In the key draw, Stella Goldstone tried her luck but unfortunately the key would not open the box. Next week’s draw will be worth R1,270.

After the success of the barflies and braai nights over the festive season, the club will hold burgers and bowls nights on the first Thursday of every month starting on 1 February from 5.15pm, which will be open to both bowlers and non-bowlers. Cost is R50 including burgers and green fees. There will be prizes too. Check the board for full details.

Many happy returns are sent this week to Dave Kemp, Bernie Bretherton, Brian Cox and Amanda Ninow.

Get well soon to all members who are sick.

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