John, Tony victors in Winkle men’s 2-4-2 bowls

Be reminded the end of year Christmas dinner will take place on Saturday, 9 December at 6pm for 6.30pm.

By 7s

OVERALL winners for the men’s 2-4-2 bowls played at Winklespruit Bowling Club on Thursday were John Scott and Tony Fitzsimmons.

Second session winners were Jeff van Belkum and Barrie de Wee.

Andre Gelderblom won the 100 board.

On a lighter note, there was a challenge between Eddie Bingham and Sylveigh Ananiadis in a game of singles. Sylveigh won the Figjam trophy donated by Adrian Morrison.

The opening of the green after the annual maintenance was celebrated by a friendly social drawn competition played on Friday afternoon, which was well attended. Overall winners were Eddie Bingham, Wilma Richter and Cedric Kruger. Runners-up were Brian Pasfield, Johan (Wessie) van der Westhuizen and Elma du Preez.

There was a bring and braai after the game which was enjoyed by all. The atmosphere was great with lots of chatting and laughter. Annalie Pienaar won the Friday evening attendance draw.

Diarise the following dates: The women’s twinkle trips will be played on Wednesday, 13 December at 8.30am for 9am. Men’s monthly trips will be played on Thursday, 14 December at 8.30am for 9am.

Be reminded the end-of-year Christmas dinner will take place on Saturday, 9 December at 6pm for 6.30pm.

The annual prize-giving will take place on Saturday, 16 December at 8.30am for 9am. Take note that whites must be worn.

Port Natal affiliation fees are due by not later than 10 January 2018.

The competitions are up on the competition notice board for 2018. Members interested in playing the competitions are to put their names on the lists by no later than 31 December.

Starting time for social bowls is at the summer starting time, which is 2.30pm for 3pm on Wednesdays and Fridays. The club wishes Annalie Pienaar and Lou Lou Bingham a happy birthday this week. May they have a blessed year ahead.

Prayers and thoughts are with Mike Kruger and Honey Behr who are not well.

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