Zee leads Toti AC field in Durban Runner Challenge 21km

Note that reflective belts are mandatory for time trials.

AMANZIMTOTI Athletics Club members participated in the Durban Runner Challenge 21km and 10km run/walk held on Sunday, 20 August.

21.1km: I Zee 1.03.00, B Luckfiel 1.04.25; M MacCalgan 1.32.00; M Mhlongo 1.45.00; E Luckfiel 1.47.20; R Hair 1.51.26; R Legg 1.58.00, J Duvenhage 2.09.25; R Warren 2.09.54; T Machado 2.12.19; J Bruce 2.13.00; E Toerien 2.13.00; C Warren 2.13.00; C Clarisse 2.31.00; J Kruger 2.46.00.

10km: A Payne 1.04.05, S Foord 1.19.00 M Strydom 1.25.00, B Payne 1.27.46.

The Mandela Day Marathon will be held this Sunday, 27 August, starting at 6am.

Seventeen athletes participated in the time trials on Wednesday, 16 August.

4km walk: J Williams 39.15, S Coulter 39.15, B Wagner 39.15.

4km run: D Swart 19.48, S Msomi 20.32, B Hamilton 26.16, N Saville 26.16, T Henning 29.09.

8km run: M Hlongwa 32.52, T Dlamini 35.18, P Mngadi 35.19, M Mpungo 35.52, E Grobler 36.22, R Hamilton 36.58, V Mngadi 42.21, W Hofland 42.21, R Roberts 42.23.

Membership and social membership applications are still available for 2017. To become a member of the club, visit on the first Wednesday evening of the month from 6pm to 7pm. Alternatively, email toti.ac.secretary@gmail.com or visit www.totiac.co.za for membership forms.

Note that reflective belts are mandatory for time trials.

Weekly time trials are on Wednesdays at 5.30pm for walkers and 6pm for runners (both over 4km or 8km). Visitors are welcome and should meet at the clubhouse at Hutchison Park. On Saturdays there is an 11km run and walk from the clubhouse at 5.30am for walkers and 6am for runners. Tea, coffee and biscuits are served afterwards.

Call club chairman Alan Payne on 083-463-4533, club captain Warren Gibson on 082-713-0305 or for junior track and field queries, call Riaan Vosloo on 078-457-1936.

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