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UGC women golfers help clinch inter region honours for south

Wednesday was the individual stableford and the club welcomed long-time visitors, Mike and Magda Espach to the competition.

By P Utter

THIS week, it’s a case of what to report on first – the great news or the really great news.

The great news is Umkomaas Golf Club (UGC) hosted its annual fundraising day last Saturday, which has now been dubbed ‘Sonny’s Day’, with great success. It’s thanks to Sonny and his team for the smooth running of the actual day and the preceding weeks spent gathering prizes. As there were over 70 players and the prizes being paid out to 14th place, it left quite a few golfers empty-handed and out of the running. The club thanks all the sponsors and members who pledged prizes or donations to make the day such a wonderful occasion, not forgetting the members and visitors as well, for their continued support of this annual tournament, year after year. The results for Saturday are later in the report.

The really great news is that two women from Umkomaas, Sabiha Bacaus and Annette Gillett, along with three from Toti Golf Club, one each from Scottburgh, Margate and Port Shepstone, came together as one team – the Mkhula team – to play together in the inter region finals way up at Bosch Hoek Golf Club last Sunday – and won! They played against the northern region and although they didn’t all win their matches, the scribe happily reports that the matches played by Annette and her partner, Lass Davis from Toti won their game and Sabiha, who partnered Debbie du Toit from Scottburgh also won their game. Jacqui Porrill and Kim from Port Shepstone clinched it for the team – Liz Donald (Toti) and Sandy Johnson (Margate) unfortunately lost their game. This is a wonderful morale booster for next year’s tournament. Congratulations to all the girls who played – the spirit in which this tournament is played is superb and well done to you all. The trophy will reside in the southern region for a while.

Wednesday was the individual stableford and the club welcomed long-time visitors, Mike and Magda Espach to the competition. As the scores reflect, the winners were close, with count-outs all round. The winner and taking the first prize was Keith Vergottini, on a count-out from both Fred Welch in second and Barrie Taylor in third spot, all on 35 points.

Back to Saturday’s fundraising day – the whole day went very smoothly and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the tournament. The winners of the better ball competition were Jimmy Pickavance and Dave Kemp on 48 points, with Dave Mulroy and Mike Harvard in second place and counting out Dean Naicker and Dad, Tom Naicker into third slot, both teams on 47 points. Peter Williamson and John Westwood took fourth place, counting out fifth placed winners, Barrie Taylor and brother, Warren Taylor, both teams with 46 points. Nearest the pins were won by Michelle van der Merwe 4th; Dwayne Morsner 9th; Jacques Hulley 13th and Stefan Wiid on the 17th. The most golf was played by father and son combination, Bruce Sutcliffe and Dylan Sutcliffe on a score not to be mentioned.

The half a lamb raffle was won by Keith Smith with John Thompson taking home the humongous tray of assorted wine won in the auction. Once again, it’s thanks to all the members and visitors who played in Sonny’s Day – the support is appreciated.

Saturday, 20 August will be the alliance league so get your teams together for the eighth round of this exciting competition. The office number is 039-973-1042 to book your team’s time. The golf shop number no longer exists so all calls are to be directed through the office for enquiries. There will be social golf on Sunday with cheaper green fees after 11.30am.

The popular quiz nite is back again on Friday, 26 August – to book a table for your team, call John on 082-322-4920.

Don’t forget the Cadac sponsored day happening on Saturday, 27 August, all thanks to Matt Hamer. Call the office on 039-973-1042 to book a tee time as this promises to be a special day with great prizes. Visitors are welcome to book and play.

UGC’s website can be found at www.umkomaasgolf.co.za.

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