Winkle bowlers return mixed results at Dan Draper

The winter starting time for Wednesday and Friday social bowls is 1.45pm for 2pm.

By Size 7s

WINKLESPRUIT Bowling Club’s men and women’s teams played in the Dan Draper tournament at Wanderers Bowling Club. The men’s team comprised of Mike Kruger, Brian Farmer, Eddie Bingham and Dries Snyman.

Estelle Van Der Merwe, Analie Pienaar, Di Kruger, Maureen Griffin and Sandy Snyman were in one women’s team and the other team was Lulu Bingham, Elmarie Young, Sylveigh Ananiadis and Yvonne Smith. Mixed results were achieved.

Bill Hobbs was the winner of the attendance draw on Friday evening.

Overall winners for the Steve Evenwel Sunday 2-4-2 were Freddy Hetterscheidt and Pipa Hanel. First session went to Brian Farmer and Sylveigh Ananiadis and the second session to Andre Gelderblom and Norma Raath. Laura Evenwel won the 100 board.

The Saturday Clearwater Spur mixed 2-4-2 will be played on the morning of Saturday, 16 July at 9am. Women’s Winkle trips will be played on Thursday, 21 July.

Thank you to all members who helped with the green maintenance on Monday, it is truly appreciated. Through their willingness and sacrifices, all the members and visitors can enjoy a game of bowls on a well maintained green.

There will be social bowls on Wednesday and Friday afternoon.

A meal will be available on Friday evening. Indicate on the list on the board if you will be having the meal, for catering reasons.

The winter starting time for Wednesday and Friday social bowls is 1.45pm for 2pm.

Members must take note of club competitions on the competition board.

Congratulations to everyone celebrating their birthdays during the week and a speedy recovery to all who are not well. The club’s prayers and thoughts are with everyone.

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