Winkle BC hosts fun day bowls with car boot sale

The boot sale on Saturday 28 May – was well attended, with 2 club competitions being played.

THE week started off with five first round competitions being played at Winklespruit Bowling Club.

The women’s nominated pairs winners were Lulu Bingham and Elmarie Young.

They beat Di Kruger and Wilma Richter. On 27 May, in the women’s champions singles, Sylveigh Ananiadis beat Di Kruger. In the men’s senior singles, Eddie Bingham beat Cedric Kruger, while on 28 May, the mixed nominated pairs winners were Steve Evenwel and Maureen Griffin. They beat Elaine Critchlow and Brian Bodley. In the women’s senior singles, the winner was Elaine Critchlow. She beat Sylveigh Ananiadis.

The Clearwater Spur men’s 2-4-2 was played on 26 May with second session winners emerging in Paul Els and Martin Young. Overall winners were Herbert Hofmann and Bill Riley. The 100 board was won by George Cormack. The attendance was not won, as Mike Joyce was not present hence there will be a carry-over.

The boot sale on Saturday, 28 May was well attended, with two club competitions being played. The club thanks the Lions Club for organising this monthly event. The committee thanks Brian Pasfield and Lulu Bingham for making the boerewors rolls, Annalie and Piet Pienaar for donating the pancakes ingredients, and Hazel and Connie for baking them.

The Eagle Canyon Spur fun day on Sunday, 29 June was a great success with all seven rinks filled. First session winners were Colin Coetzee, Bill Hobbs and Kegan van Blerk. Second session went to Steve Evenwel, Innocent Idlovu and Stephanie Vosloo. Overall winners were Mike Kruger, Linda Hobbs and Reg Behr. The 100 board was won by Laura Evenwell twice. Each player received a prize. Thanks to Steve Evenwell for sponsoring the prizes and Spur for the vouchers.

Reminders about the Kwik Spar women’s trips on Thursday, 2 June, pensioners on 7 June, and the men’s and women’s league which starts on Saturday, 4 June. The men will have a home game, whereas the women will play at Toti Bowling Club. The Caltex women’s trips is on 8 June. Notify Di Kruger if your team cannot play. For the men’s Kwik Spar trips on 9 June, contact Mike Joyce if you are unable to play.

A belated special birthday wish goes to Dries Snyman for 29 May.

Congratulations to all celebrating their birthday in the month of June, and a speedy recovery is wished to all who are not well. Good bowling to all club members.

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