Cyclists enlisted to help resolve road problems

Mambas have booked the track for the club to ride it on Thursdays from 4pm to 6pm.

AFTER the tragic incident that occurred on the M4, a forum known as Ethekwini Cycle Safe Forum has been formed to deal with motorists and cyclists. During the last meeting held on 24 February, it was decided to enlist the help of cyclists.

While on a ride, if you notice any of the following, email the information to the municipality at

It will also make it easier for the officials to sort out the issues if you have geo-tagging on your photo.

They will have to address the issue within six days or they have to account for why it hasn’t been done. Save this information in your phone, share it and use the service, which is bound to help every road user.

Amanzimtoti Cycling Club’s mountain bikers love to ride the manicured tracks at Lords and Legends which are beautifully maintained by the club’s chairman, Barry Walker. There has been, however, some confusion with regards to who has right of way – riders, runners or cows?

The use of the track is not only for MTB riders. Mambas have booked the track for the club to ride it on Thursdays from 4pm to 6pm. The rest of the time it will be used by others, such as Amanzimtoti Athletic Club for use by their cross country athletes. Walkers are welcome too, with or without their dogs. Everyone needs to be aware of the rules of the track, which are quite simply: Run or walk in the opposite direction of riders so that each can see the other and try not to crash.

The matter has been raised with the Sports Centre and the idea of signage is being addressed. So in the meantime, everyone is urged to use the track together and be aware of others. This includes cows and their land mines.

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