Stander tops UGC stableford compo

Next Saturday, 27 February, is the Widenham trophy individual stableford competition with social golf on Sunday, 28 February.

By P Utter

WITH the weird, wet and wonderful weather we’ve been having lately, Umkomaas Golf Course (UGC) is looking particularly stunning at the moment but it could do without all the lightning and horrendous thunder that goes with it.

The rain, however, is most welcome.

It was so good to see Garth Mulroy back on the golfing circuit again, right here in South Africa and doing well. The club hasn’t seen much of its PGA ‘boys’ of late, so having Garth pop-up down at Fancourt playing in the Dimension Data Pro-Am tournament is great news. He shot a 68, 74, 68 and 68 which placed him at T22 at -10. It was that 74 in the second round that was almost his undoing but he came right back with two 68’s on the last two days. Well done, Garth – UGC hopes to see more of you on the local circuit in the weeks to come. The winner of this tournament was George Coetzee on -21.

At UGC, Wednesday’s competition was the usual individual stableford with Attie Stander rising to the top of the pile with his 39 points to take the 1st prize, followed by Fred Welch in 2nd spot with 38. Taking 3rd place was regular visitor, Mike Harvard who counted out Simon van den Bosch into 4th place, both on 37 points.

Saturday dawned cool, weather-wise but the wind got up mid-morning and that was the end of Saturday being a ‘nice’ day. However, members rose to the challenge of the fourball better ball competition, with scores to match. Taking first prize with a score of 45 points were Fred Welch and Dave Kemp with Eric Morsner and Annette Gillett, two shots off the pace in 2nd place with 43 points. Barrie Taylor and Vesa Suhonen scooped 3rd spot by counting out Tom Naicker and Kuben Naidoo into 4th slot, both teams on 42 points. The jackpot was won by Vesa Suhonen with 11 points but the hidden birdie (5th hole) will be carried over to next week with over R150 in the ‘kitty’. There were only two two-clubs, which was quite an achievement since the wind was pumping through at gale-force – Peter Toward on the 4th and Fred Welch on the 17th. John Gillett managed to win the ‘birds’ in the football sweep with Bradford City.

Well done to Rob Finlay on winning the Valentine’s raffle of a Swiss-made woman’s wrist watch run by the club during the month of love. Thanks to John Thompson for organising the raffle on behalf of UGC.

Next Saturday, 27 February, is the Widenham trophy individual stableford competition with social golf on Sunday, 28 February. Call the club for available times on 039-973-1042.

A reminder that UGC hosts a family walk with your dogs on Sunday, 6 March – this meander through the golf course with your pooch (not forgetting a plastic bag) will be followed with breakfast bacon rolls being sold on the 14th tee box. Contact John Thompson on 082-322-4920 or Annette on 082-927-5013.

A little later in March, UGC hosts a car boot sale in the car-park, so any unwanted stuff you might have at home will be welcome. Start looking now.

UGC’s KidzGolf on Saturday mornings is going well – Devlyn is delighted with the attendance of all the youngsters. Tuition is from 8am to 9am on all Saturdays during the school term. No equipment is needed in the early stages, as the club provides the necessary clubs to the children. Call UGC on 039-973-1042 for more information on KidzGolf.

The Geriatric group play on Tuesdays and Fridays, tee-off is around 6.15am while it is still so hot during the day. Call Graham on 083-325-5705 or Keith on 083-305-5740 before coming down to make sure that there are no other tournaments on those days.

Don’t forget the Sardine Run in June – book early. Go to This three-day tournament is at Umkomaas, Scottburgh and Umdoni this year, which should be great fun.

UGC’s website is at with a link to the Sardine Run home page.

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