Selwyn proves a comeback king after surgery

Spring treatment will start at Umkomaas on Sunday, 27 September.

By P Utter

THE recent rain of late has been welcome and long-awaited with most green keepers absolutely delighted they don’t have to use water for their respective courses.

Umkomaas Golf Club (UGC) is looking particularly green and lush at the moment after the downpour last Friday.

It can only look better in the months ahead with summer well on its way.

The intrepid team of women ventured down to Selborne last Sunday to play in the Lewis Reynolds tournament – only to be told when they got there that it’s been cancelled because of rain. What a pity, the women were really looking forward to the challenge.

Wednesday was the normal individual stableford. Jan Moran was welcomed to the club and competition at prize giving. The winner was Warren Taylor on a good 44 points with Rob Mathias in second spot five shots behind Warren on 39 points. Taking third prize was Piet ‘Jorsie’ Vermaak on 37 points with Michelle van der Merwe in fourth place, counting out Rob Finlay in fifth slot, both with 36 points.

Saturday’s competition, the fourball betterball, was threatened by the rain which didn’t really materialise so everyone had a relatively ‘dry’ round. Regular visitors, Selwyn and Annabelle Hesom were welcomed by vice club captain, Jimmy Spear and as luck would have it, Selwyn and Annabelle won the competition with 46 points – which is remarkable since Selwyn had a back op and this was his first game of golf in four months. In 2nd place was Sabiha Bacaus and Jacques Hulley on 44 points. Dave Kemp took home the jackpot with 10 points but the hidden birdie, with the ‘kitty’ heading for R100, stays hidden on the 5th hole. Jimmy Pickavance won the prize in the ‘non-skills department’ – the attendance draw for just being at the club. Well done to all the winners.

Members are advised that there is a special general meeting after prize giving this Saturday, 19 September. Concerned members are asked to attend. The date of the AGM has also changed to the following Saturday, 26 September, also after prize giving. All members are asked to attend this important annual meeting. Any members interested in voicing their opinions and so on, this is your chance to have your say. Sunday, 27 September will be too late.

The competition on Saturday, 19 September will be the 9th round of the Alliance league so gather your teams as the competition is certainly hotting up. At this stage, it’s anyone’s game and still time for an upset in the results. Good luck to you all. There is a group playing on Sunday, 20 September – call the club for a tee time.

Spring treatment will start at Umkomaas on Sunday, 27 September. As such, the course will close early on that day at 10.30am. The course will re-open on Saturday, 3 October, looking stunning after five days of being pampered, trimmed and top-dressed.

The course will be closed to visitors on Heritage Day (or national braai day) which is on Thursday, 24 September due to the Sappi Day.

The club office can be reached on 039-973-1042 and find UGC online at

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