Mixed results for Winkle BC’s Dan Draper teams

Congratulations to those who celebrated their anniversary or their birthdays during the week.

By Harry Hunters

WINKLESPRUIT Bowling Club entered two men and two women’s teams in the Dan Draper tournament which was held from 6 to 10 July.

Although the teams returned with mixed results, new friends were made.

Congratulations to Andre Gelderblom and his team of Brian Pasfield, Harry van Vuuren and Brian Bodley who ended sixth out of 26 teams in this tournament. Well done guys.

The women’s Caltex twinkle trips were played on Wednesday, 8 July. Second session winners were Cathy du Plooy, Wilma Richter and Gaynor Snyman. Overall winners were the trio of Maggie Robertson, Yvonne Smith and Innocent Ndlovu. The 100 board draw was won by Vera Broskie and Di Kruger walked away with the mystery prize.

On Thursday, 9 July, the monthly men’s Kwik Spar trips were played. Second session winners were George Cormack, Aubrey Toy and Innocent Ndlovu. Overall winners were Peter Labuschagne, Duncan Wright and Dave Kemp. Errol Theron won the 100 board.

The Steve Evenwel mixed pairs were played on Sunday, 12 July. Andre Gelderblom and Di Kruger won first session and Jonty Denysen and Sue Welsh won second session. Overall winners were the pair of Brian Bodley and Elaine Critchlow.

Diarise the following: Social bowls on Wednesday at 1.30pm and Friday at 2pm. Saturday, 18 July – Clearwater Spur mixed 2-4-2. Tuesday, 21 July – pensioners bowls at Wanderers. Thursday, 23 July – men’s 2-4-2. Saturday, 25 July – monthly car boot sale. Book your space now by calling Sandy Elliot on 082-466-6480 or Gwen Ellis on 084-626-9593. On Sunday, 26 July there is nominated mixed trips with a bring and braai after the game. Indicate your availability on the players list on the notice board.

Congratulations to those who celebrated their anniversary or their birthdays during the week. Members who are ill are wished a speedy recovery. Thoughts and prayers are with them.

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