Umkobums clinch Sardine Run golf spoils from Whalers

Next Saturday, 27 June is the 4 BBB competition and on Sunday, 28 June, the course will be off-limits until about noon to visitors since it's the Allerton League fundraising day.

By P Utter

UMKOMAAS Golf Club is very proud that two of the winning teams who played in the Sardine Run this year are from Umkomaas – the ‘Umkobums’ who were Peter Toward, Derek Airey, Lesa Vergottini and Keith Vergottini took first place with an overall score for the three days of 268 points defeating their fellow team from Umkomaas, the Umkomaas ‘Whalers’ by one point (267).

Playing at three different courses for three days running is definitely not for the fainthearted and can be a bit intimidating for some but not for these two intrepid teams. The ‘Whalers’ – Tom Naicker, Viv Naicker, Dean Naicker and Tash Naicker – were in the running from day one until Lesa Vergottini and Derek Airey from the ‘Bums’ played the most stupendous game of their golfing careers on the last day, which clinched it for their team. The team who came in third were also local – CMC Air Conditioners with 265 points. Congratulations to both the Umkomaas teams but also to all the teams who played and struggled just a bit on the last day of the tournament. Hopefully they will all be back next year to defend their place in the ‘Run’. As luck would have it, the actual little silver fishes (sardines) beached at Umkomaas this last Sunday – you’d think they would get their dates right.

Garth Mulroy played in the US Open last weekend but unfortunately didn’t make the cut. The next tournament is the Travelers Championship which starts on 25 June and then it’s The Greenbrier Classic on 2 July. Two well-known tournaments to look forward to and hopefully there will be a whole lot of South Africans playing in them. The club would like to think Garth will fair better in the US over the next couple of weekends – positive thoughts always.

Wednesday was a beautiful winter’s day, with a slight breeze and sunshine with a little nip in the air. It was a good day for Wally Kent who is back to his winning ways with a score of 39 points followed by Rob Finlay in second spot, counting out Piet Vermaak into third slot, both with 38 points. Simon van den Bosch took the fourth prize, counting out Jimmy Spear and they had 37 points apiece. It would seem that ‘young’ Piet Vermaak has been in the prizes every week now for the last four weeks – well done ‘Jorsie’ – we will see you back on Wednesday again.

Saturday was the sixth round of the Alliance League and visitors Bob Duncan and Clyde Leisegang were warmly welcomed to both the club and competition by club captain, Peter Toward. The winners were the ‘Die Hards’ – Simon van den Bosch, Rob Mathias, Dave Kemp and Ken Koster who only just snatched the first prize away from the ‘Naidoos’ – Bruce Sutcliffe, Dylan Sutcliffe, Kuben Naidoo (the only true Naidoo in the team) and Christopher Pillay, all on 93 points. Well done to both teams and better luck next month to all the other teams. The jackpot was shared between Barrie Taylor, Bruce Sutcliffe and Jimmy Pickavance, all on 10 points with Saga Reddy taking the hidden birdie on the 5th hole. Linda (Linda) Toward took home the prize in the ‘non-skills department’ with her number coming up for the attendance draw and Adrian Rogers chose the right team in the football sweep with Torquay United.

Next Saturday, 27 June is the 4 BBB competition and on Sunday, 28 June, the course will be off-limits until about noon to visitors since it’s the Allerton League fundraising day. Nelson Moonsamy has worked tirelessly and your support of this fund raiser is much appreciated.

The next important fundraising day will be on Friday, 3 July where the funds will be going to Khanya Hospice, right here in Umkomaas. Support this wonderful organisation as everyone knows someone who is struggling or has overcome cancer during their lifetime. The format for the competition will be a 4BBB stableford with green fees at R170. Call the club on 039-973-1042 to book a time.

The Club hosted a Father’s Day competition last Sunday which was a great success especially the lunch afterwards – all thanks to Dawn Crookes and her team in the kitchen who put up a wonderful lunch after the golf. Thanks too, to Derek for keeping Molly under control during this time.

A little further ahead to Saturday, 4 July when the club hosts a different evening – a darts and dominoes evening which should be great fun. To make it a success, there needs to be 32 people, so invite your friends and family to join in.

The club’s deepest sympathies go out to Mike Harvard and his family on their sad loss of Mike’s wife, Carol. Sincere condolences and prayers are with them all at this very sad time.

The website has been upgraded and is looking great – it can be found at have a browse around and check it out.

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