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Naicker cracks hole-in-one at UGC

Congratulations to Tom Naicker on his Hole-in-One he scored on the fourth Hole - heard his golf wasn't that great but his ace on the fourth was a bonus.

By P Utter

UMKOMAAS Golf Club (UGC) hosted a very successful Sanlam Cancer Challenge last Saturday, 23 May.

It’s many thanks to all the players who supported this competition and what it stands for and to Errol and Sharon-Ann Theron for their presence.

Visitors Dennis and Cathy Kamstra, Mike Harvard, Jeff van Munkoff and Mark Gillett were all warmly welcomed to the competition at prize-giving.

The A division winner is the 2015 strokeplay champion, Viv Naicker with 35 points, followed by the B division’s Dave Kemp on 37 points. The C division was won by John Thompson on 42 points. All these winner will go forward to play the regional’s at Selborne in a few weeks’ time.

Congratulations to Tom Naicker on his hole-in-one scored on the fourth hole – it was heard his golf wasn’t that great but his ace on the fourth was a bonus.

Not forgetting the women who also played in the challenge, the A division was won by Michelle van der Merwe on 35 points with Annette Gillett taking the B division with 36 points. The C division was won by visitor Cathy Kamstra (37 points) (MEGAN I THINK THERE”S A WORD MISSING HERE) had to forfeit the position to second placed Linda Toward on 27 points. The women will play their regionals at Royal Durban also in a few weeks’ time. The nearest the pins were (men) Tom Naicker (hole-in-one) on the fourth (one simply cannot get closer to the pin than in the hole itself.) and Nelson Moonsamy on the 13th. None of the women actually hit the green on the ninth but Sue Boshoff was nearest the pin on the 17th. Congratulations to all the winners as well as the players who participated.

Umkomaas had a very busy weekend which ended on Sunday with the Strand Strikers hosting a very successful ‘shot-gun start’ competition, inviting the many past and present Strikers and their guests to take part. The competition was won by the team consisting of ‘The Pres’ Haydn Davies, Fred ‘the Fox’ Brandow, Big Garth Wilyman and Dave ‘George’ Smit on a terrific 98 points. The huge booze hamper was won by John Gillett. A wonderful day was had by all and its many thanks to the organisers, Haydn Davies, Trevor Osborne, Roddy McGibbon and the many other Strikers who made the day such a success. Well done, guys.

The women played their first league match on Sunday, way down at Margate Golf Club but unfortunately lost to the home side rather disastrously. No problem, hopefully there are still other games to catch up on in the months to come.

The men, on the other hand, played Allerton League at Windsor Golf Club against Durban Golf Club with excellent results. The whole team played fantastic golf but one player stood out – well done, George Mzimela who apparently played ‘out of his socks’. As a whole, Umkomaas team won their games 6.5 to 5.5 – to say the captain is over the moon is putting it mildly, they were still celebrating late into the afternoon. Apologies if this information is a tad ‘sketchy’.

Wednesday was the usual individual stableford and there was a new face in the winner’s circle this week. Well done to Peter Williamson on his win with 40 points followed by Piet Vermaak in second spot with 38 points counting out Warren Taylor into third place, also with 38 points.

A reminder that it’s the fifth round of the alliance league next Saturday, 30 May. Gather the troops as this competition is getting very interesting. There will be social golf on Sunday, 31 May.

Garth Mulroy gained a spot in the BMW PGA championships last weekend, played at the Wentworth Club in Surrey, England. Unfortunately, Garth missed the cut this time but then so did the number one player in the world, Rory McIlroy, so he was in good company. Next week is the Irish Open – all UGC’s good luck wishes go to Garth – hopefully he will be playing in this tournament.

This week UGC said farewell to the Boshoffs, Peter and Sue, the club wishes them well at their new club. Members also bid farewell to Hans Beuthe as he returns to his home in Germany for a few months to enjoy the European summer.

Sympathies go out to John and Annette Gillett and their family on the death of John’s dad last week. Members’ thoughts and prayers are with them at this sad time.

To all members and friends feeling poorly at the moment, at home or in hospital, get well soon and UGC wishes them a speedy recovery from whatever ails them.

The Sardine Run is getting ever closer – in about three weeks’ time – get your entries in quickly and don’t miss out on this great annual tournament. Entry can be done online at www.sardinegolf.co.za or login to the club website at www.umkomaasgolf.co.za and follow the link.

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