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Yvonne makes off with more than just twinkle trips winnings

The next bowling clinic has been arranged for Saturday, 27 June at 8.30am.

By Harry Hunters

AT Winklespruit Bowling Club (WBC), the monthly Caltex women twinkle trips was well attended on Wednesday, 13 May.

The second session winners were Jennifer Greenslade, Annatjie Boag and Wilma Rigter.

Overall winners were the team of Isabel Milne, Jeanette Els and Yvonne Hooper. It was Yvonne Hooper’s lucky day as she also walked away with the 100 board winnings. Elmarie Young won the spider and Elaine Critchlow won the mystery prize.

The monthly Kwikspar men’s trips were played on Thursday, 14 May. Second session winners were a team from Toti , Herman Hofmann, Ian Mills and Rob Troughton. The overall prize went to the WBC team of Barry Hilton, Eddie Bingham and Innocent Ndlovu. The 100 board draw was won by Steve Evenwel.

The DHL sponsored mixed trips night game was played under a windless night sky on 15 May. It was a huge success and attendance exceeded all expectation. The competition was won by Mike and Di Kruger with team mate Brian Pasfield. Runners up were Alan Raubenheimer, John and Clasina Powel. The wheel of fortune was won by Maggie Cormack and Alan Raubenheimer walked away with the 100 board draw. WBC also said farewell to past president Yvonne Appleby and husband Mac, Greg and Mags Dickason and Gladys Yelland.

The Clearwater Spur mixed 2-4-2 was played on Saturday, 16 May. Second session winners were the experienced team of Eddie Bingham and Charlotte Kohl. Overall winners were husband and wife team, Paul and Jeanette Els. The 100 board draw went to Sharon-Ann Theron.

Book space for the month-end car boot sale on 30 May at 8am. Pannekoek and boerie rolls will be on sale. Get rid of all unwanted goods the easy way. Call Mike Kruger on 082-788-6429.

Diarise the following:

Social bowls Wednesday at 1.30pm, Friday at 2pm and Saturday at 9am. There are no formal competitions during the weekend. Make use of this time and arrange your club championship games. Tuesday, 26 May – pensioners league at Toti at 9am. On Thursday, 28 May – men’s nominated 2-4-2 at 9am. Call Harry van Vuuren on 083-455-0939. Saturday 30 – car boot sale at 8am. Men’s and women league at 1.30pm. Due to the men’s league being played at home, no social bowls will be played on 30 May.

The next bowling clinic has been arranged for Saturday, 27 June at 8.30am. Indicate your availability on the attendance list on the notice board. Call Harry van Vuuren on 083-455-0939.

Birthday wishes goes to all who celebrated their birthdays during the week. To all the members who are ill, WBC wishes you a speedy recovery. Thoughts and prayers are with everyone.

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