Iron man ace lifts his game

This sport teaches you discipline and to be humble.

Toti bodybuilder, Brian Smith (24) placed first in the 70kg to 80kg category at the IFBB KZN iron man bodybuilding champs for senior men at the UKZN Westville hall on Saturday, 28 March.

“This was my first bodybuilding competition,” he said. “I have been in the gym for a number of years now, but in November I made up my mind that I was going to compete in March and follow my dreams.

I had a very skinny and small build when I was younger and when I watched my first bodybuilding video, I was amazed at the physique of the people. Immediately I felt a passion for bodybuilding, so I signed up at a gym and started my path of getting the physique I wanted.”

Brian was born in Bethlehem, but moved to Toti 23 years ago. He attended Kingsway High School where he matriculated in 2009.

“I enjoy being in the gym, headphones on, music blasting, lifting heavy weights, making you push your boundaries and the accomplishment you feel when you walk out of the gym with your body sore, knowing you have worked hard.

Lifting weights is also a way of letting off steam, as it is just you and the weights.”

Brian feels prepping for a competition is the most challenging part. “Those last few weeks before the competition you will carb and water deplete, which causes you to have no energy at all, but you still have to train twice a day, study, work, prep meals and find time to sleep.

This puts a lot of stress on work, family and friends. But the day you stand on stage, all those hours in the gym, all the sweat and tears become worth it and it is a feeling I cannot explain.

I was lucky that I had an amazing girlfriend who supported me every day and without her I wouldn’t be where I am today. I also had major support and help from my family and friends, which is needed in those last few weeks leading up the show.”

During his off-season Brian trains once a day, five days a week. However, when he starts prepping for a competition, about eight weeks before, his training intensifies and he trains twice a day, six days a week.

His basic routine consists of working his chest and biceps on Monday, quads on Tuesday, back and triceps on Wednesday, shoulders on Thursdays, and hamstrings and glutes on Friday.

During his off season his diet consists of 100g oats and six eggs for breakfast, 300g rice and 300g of either steak, ostrich or fish, or 300g steak and vegetables.

“During my on season I cut out carbs, up my protein of eggs or fish and increase my vegetables.

This win has definitely whet my appetite to compete more and I will start my prepping again shortly for the East Coast Classic in June. I will also compete in the National Amateur Bodybuilders Association competition at the end of the year.”

Brian has the following advice for young guys thinking of getting into bodybuilding:

“If you have the passion, follow it. Don’t let anyone tell you that you cannot achieve your goals.

This sport teaches you discipline and to be humble, as being a bodybuilder is a very tough challenge. It is a 24 hours sport from dieting, training and sleeping, but it is worth the sacrifices in the end.”

Brian offers online training for anyone wanting to build muscle, get lean or just live a healthy lifestyle. Email him on for more information.

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