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Monthly mixed 2-4-2 at Winkle BC this weekend

The club wishes any member who is currently not well a speedy recovery.

IT was a fairly quiet week at Winklespruit Bowling Club, which ended with a men’s league match on Saturday against Durban Wanderers away.

Unfortunately the club lost both games.

There are two matches to play and so maybe the club can regain the top spot. Well done guys.

Last Friday’s attendance draw was a rollover again as number one was not present. However, the wheel of fortune was won.

This Thursday, 8 May is the men’s trips. Let Mike Joyce know if you are unable to play.

The Lincoln Steakhouse monthly mixed 2-4-2 will be held on Sunday, 11 May starting at 9am. Let Mac Appleby know if you cannot play. Finally, on Wednesday, 14 May, the women’s twinkle trips will be played at 9am. Let Hazel Willis know if you are unable to play.

The club wishes any member who is currently not well a speedy recovery.

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