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Pensioners league about to restart at Toti BC

The final potato trips game will be played on Friday, 21 February.

SEVERAL club competitions were played on Saturday, watched avidly by a good crowd at Amanzimtoti Bowling Club.

The most exciting game was the men’s open singles between Lofty van Tonder and Alec Stirzaker, which went to 26 ends.

Lofty was victorious, winning 21-20. Also in the singles, John Mitchley beat Carl van Heerden; and Vince Phaal triumphed over Chris Whitlock.

In the men’s nominated trips, Glen Scorgie, Alan Smith and Mike Pitchers defeated Jerry Gertzen, Neville Roscoe and Les John. In the women’s drawn fours, Malinki van der Westhuizen, Jane Coetzee, Maxien Barnes and Michelle Pitchers beat Mardi Dovale, Amanda Ninow, Leonie Mills and Jenny Greenslade (standing in for Christine Darley).

The final potato trips game will be played on Friday, 21 February. This week the 100 board was won by Callie and the chocolate by Noreen Butler. There will be a bring and braai on Friday, followed by the prize giving.

The first round of the Upper South Coast pensioners league will commence at Toti on Tuesday, 18 March. If you have not played in the league and would like to be considered for selection, put your name on the list on the pensioners’ board at the club. All members are welcome.

In the big chicks, Vince, Don, Andrew and Gayle were the winners. Runners-up were Glen Scorgie, Alan Smith, Yvonne Hooper and Ian Scorgie. In third place were Clive Hambley, Duncan and Yvonne Wright, and Meryl Hambley.

The first session went to Colin Howes, Paul Steele, Mike Roberts and G de Kock and the second session was won by Peter Labuschagne, Guelfo Cobianchi, Norma Raath and Denni. Most bowls went to Noreen Butler, Dennis Hughes, Eric Klopper and Leigh Callaghan. The lucky 13th prize went to Jerry Gertzen, Neville Roscoe and Tokkie and Kokkie de Kock. Thanks as always to bar and kitchen staff and sponsors.

If you have not paid all your competition fees, speak to Liz. Also remember this week’s women’s trips on Wednesday, men’s nominated 2-4-2 on Thursday, and mutton on Sunday in which there is still space for one more women’s team. The first quiz evening is on Wednesday. Mixed 2-4-2 commences Friday, 28 February at 1pm for 1.30pm.

Men must note the league starts on 1 March, so check the board for your division and team. The list is up for mixed pairs and also the Oppenheimer pairs. Good bowling to the women going through to the next round of Port Natal trips on 22 January. Many happy returns go this week to Archie Walker, Gerald Gordon-Hughes, Denise Bingham, Andrew Luck and Jan Blom. Thoughts as always to all members who are sick at this time.

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