
Attract majestic Emperor Butterflies to your garden

Emperor Butterflies are large, brightly coloured, fast flying and enjoy a good drink.

By Warren Dick

The Emperor Butterflies comprise some of the largest most beautiful butterflies found in the Durban area. To me, they are like the celebrities of the butterfly kingdom; they are large, brightly coloured, fast flying and enjoy a good drink.

Blue-spot Emperor Butterfly

There are over 20 different species of Emperor Butterflies found in South Africa, with the majority of them also residing in the Durban area. Now days they are more commonly known by their scientific name, which is “Charaxes”.

Some species of Emperor Butterflies have also learned to make use of some alien invasive plants as food plants for their larvae. For example the Pearl Emperor Butterfly often chooses to lay its eggs on the pesky Balloon Vine, however please do not consider planting this or any other alien invasive plant in your garden to attract insects, there are loads of indigenous plants that do the job just as well.

Unlike the majority of butterflies, these are not attracted to flowers; however they like nothing more than a good drink from some fermenting fruit. They are very fast flying butterflies, even able to outfly and out manoeuvre swallows. However once they have had a good drink from some fermented fruit, things can get rather funny to watch.

Pearl Emperor Butterfly

So if you would like to attract some of these butterfly celebrities to your garden you may consider hanging out an old orange pocket with some rotting fruit in it, some folks say that this is cruel, however these butterflies are quite willing to drink from wild fermenting fruit too. Other things that attract the Emperor Butterflies are, some trees sap and also certain animal droppings, such as mongoose.

If you would like to make contact with me to have some of your interesting insects, snakes or spiders identified, please feel free to send me a Whatsapp or call: 0722110353

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