
Bird of the Week – Redchested cuckoo

The Zulu name is uPhezukomkhono.

THE redchested cuckoo, which is commonly also known as ‘Piet-my-vrou’, is a migrant cuckoo which returns to Southern Africa in October.

It can be heard calling from now until February, especially after rain and even at night.

The bird’s distinctive, highly ringing call sounds like ‘tik-tak-tok’ or aptly in Afrikaans ‘Piet-my-vrou’. Females often respond to the male call.


They inhabit forests, woodland, farmland with trees, parks, gardens and exotic plantations.

Redchested cuckoos are usually solitary, calling from a hidden perch among leaves, high in a tree. They are easily overlooked and sit still for long periods.

Food preferences are insects, especially caterpillars and sometimes seeds.

Breeding season is from October to February, and they lay one olive green or chocolate coloured egg in the nests of robins, chats, thrushes, flycatchers and wagtails. Incubation is 13 to 15 days. The chick evicts the host bird’s own eggs within four days of hatching and is a nestling for 17 to 22 days.

The Zulu name is uPhezukomkhono.


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