
City commits ‘robbery’ with sky high usage bills

No-one is looking out for the little guy and it seems the only way to guard against this kind of daylight robbery is to go pre-paid.

EDITOR – Has no-one else found it concerning that Ethekwini Municipality is getting away with daylight robbery?

The outrageous bills that they are charging for electricity and water are simply being paid by residents, who know that without payment, they will simply be cut off.

I’m not talking about small variations, but huge bills of more than R15,000 that land on one’s doorstep without any consideration for the fact that something is clearly wrong. Two people living in a property who normally use municipal services that average about R1,500 can clearly not suddenly spike their usage to R15,000 from one month to the next.

And yet when one goes to the municipality to explain and request their intervention, you’re told in no uncertain terms to pay up or else be cut. Once you’re paid up, they promise to look into it but nothing comes of that either.

No-one is looking out for the little guy and it seems the only way to guard against this kind of daylight robbery is to go pre-paid. It’s a sin that we should have to be wary of the municipality doing its job correctly the first time.


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