Furry Facts – Ins and outs of feline vaccination

This virus is another major cause of upper respiratory-tact infection in cats.

1. Feline viral rhinotracheitis

Just as with the common cold, the virus that causes this upper respiratory-tract infection is easily transmitted from one cat to another, so vaccination is imperative if your pet will come in contact with other cats.

Its symptoms may take the form of moderate fever, loss of appetite, sneezing, eye and nasal discharges and coughing. Kittens are particularly affected, but this disease can be dangerous in any unprotected cat, as effective treatment is limited. Even if a cat recovers, its can remain a carrier for life, shedding the virus from its eyes and nose when stressed, for example when boarding in a cattery, moving house, exposure to new kittens and so on.

2. Feline calicivirus

This virus is another major cause of upper respiratory-tact infection in cats. Widespread and highly contagious, its symptoms are fever, eye and nasal discharge, ulcers and blisters on the tongue and pneumonia. These can range from mild to severe, depending on the strain of virus present and the immunity of the cat. Once again, treatment of this disease can be difficult.

Even if recovery does take place, a recovered cat can continue to infect other animals, as well as experience chronic sneezing and runny eyes. Vaccination is therefore vital.

3. Feline panleukopaenia

Sometimes known as feline infectious enteritis, this disease is caused by a virus so resistant that it can survive for up to a year outside a cat’s body. Therefore, as most cats will be exposed to it during their lifetime and infection rate in unprotected cats can run as high as 90% to 100%, vaccination against this potentially fatal disease is absolutely essential. Symptoms can include listlessness, diarrhoea, vomiting, severe dehydration and fever.



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