
Worm prevention in dogs

Avoid crowding too many dogs in one area.

JUST some of the precautions that can and should be taken to protect your dogs against worms:

  • Remove the faces daily from the dog’s environment, burn or wrap securely and place in the rubbish bin.
  • Wash the dog thoroughly and groom it regularly to minimise accumulation of worm eggs in the dog’s coat.
  • Clip the hair away from the anus of longhaired dogs to minimise contamination of the hair with faeces and worm eggs.
  • Avoid crowding too many dogs in one area. Overcrowding results in heavy contamination of the environment with worm eggs, greatly increasing the risk of infection and reinfection.
  • Keep your dogs flea-free. Fleas play a part in the tapeworm lifecycle.
  • Restrict your hunting drive and eradicate rodents. This will help to prevent hook and round worm infection.
  • Roundworm and hookworm eggs can survive for long periods in moist, warm surroundings. In a breeding or boarding establishment, runs with a concrete base that can be thoroughly cleaned and kept as dry as possible will help to prevent infection or reinfection.

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