Revival or reformation?

We need to get things right, especially those pertaining to God.

EDITOR – In response to so-called Christians participating in this pagan celebration of Halloween, it is definitely not a type or shadow, enigma or mystery, parable or euphemism or anything of a positive nature to God’s Word and therefore constitutes nothing wholesome in revelation or edification for Christians but is clearly explained toward evil spirits and the dead.

The OT as well as the NT has many warnings under the banner of “Woe to you shepherds” who lead flocks astray for preaching heresies, false doctrine, dogma and worshipping them, or in this case defending the practise in celebration. Very summarised, Deuteronomy 18:9–12 “or engages in witchcraft. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord.” Read Isaiah 5:21-22 and Romans 1:22, then read Jude verse 4 and Hosea 4:6. Before I make a further comment and conclude with the meaning of the heading, let me firstly commend the Reverend (in her letter headlined ‘Educate yourself before judging Halloween’ in the Sun edition dated 28 October) with her stance declaring that Jesus was not born on 25 December which has been conveniently aligned by the RCC with the other 11 well-known pagan celebrations to merely weaken the focus on Jesus, displaying Him as just another god or idol.

We need to get things right, especially those pertaining to God. So-called Christians let their hair down and open their wallets and obtain credit to spend ‘in the spirit of commercialism’ in this silly season just to create that warm feeling as a child to enjoy this season coated with the ‘birth of Jesus’. You probably would have got some church leaders and Christians in a tizz, who don’t mind their Saviour’s birth date conveniently aligned with the other 11 pagan gods on this very same day called Christmas, which if we read Jeremiah 10 clearly explains about ‘the tree’, and the willingness to bow down in placing and retrieving gifts from the foot of this idol. However, all is cancelled now by your inconsistency.

If anything, rather spare Martin Luther a thought (not a celebration, although comparing Halloween to the boldness of Martin Luther, rather opt for celebrating his success if celebration needs to be partook in) and thank God for such a person because on the 31 October 1517 he nailed his 95 thesis to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenburg,Germany, commonly known as the Reformation (peasants war). Next year will mark the 500th anniversary of the birth of the Reformation. On this note: Does the church need Revival or another Reformation?

Understanding the definition of both words and the degregation of the church as our gauge today, along with understanding the Word and be honest with ourselves, we would all opt for Reformation first because it takes a long time before the reformed church can honestly say we are all carrying out what the Word truly requires of us.

Onto titles. A Reverend defined in most dictionaries reads “one who deserves respect”. Do you Reverend?


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