Broken telephone raises ire

After a few phone calls from my friends reporting the matter, nothing was done.

EDITOR – I have not had a telephone account since January.

Every month I have to go and ask for my account, and when I phone Telkom, I get a voice saying ‘this is your balance for June’.

I do not know what I am paying for. After marching into the Galleria office of Telkom, I received an e-mail from Port Elizabeth, with a detailed statement.

Now my telephone has not worked since 19 July. After a few phone calls from my friends reporting the matter, nothing was done.

I went to see the Telkom office for the second time on this matter on Monday, 1 August. I was put through to an office where I told my story to a woman and after asking me the usual questions, she asked me to hold on so I timed her and after 10 minutes, there was no reply. So again I was put through to the office a second time, and received a second reference number.

I also went onto Facebook, there was only one other woman who remarked that her telephone was also out on the same day and up to now nothing happen.


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