Good service experience needs to be shared

They were more than happy to explain to me how they would tackle the problem and then started working.

EDITOR – On Wednesday morning, 6 July, I was informed of a burst pipe in Bjorseth Crescent.

At 11.02am, I phoned Ethekwini call centre to report the matter and was greeted by a friendly and efficient Mabongi, who gave me my reference number.

I prepared myself for a long wait, many phone calls and a lot of fighting, but to my surprise three friendly men arrived at 1.20pm.

They were more than happy to explain to me how they would tackle the problem and then started working. They lifted a large section of the cement slabs and started digging. I left them to get on with it. At 3pm, I decided to see how far they had got. To my surprise, they had already fixed and covered up the leaking pipe and were busy tidying up.

I salute you KM Shange, Yugandren Pillay and Michael Naicker – you have restored my faith in the workers of the municipality.

Well done, keep up the good work.



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