Isundu Drive darkness pervades since start of year

I reported this as well as the bottom of Old Main Road by Isundu Drive, Toti CBD by the river in February and again at the beginning of May.

EDITOR – Referring to last week’s Sun letter ‘In the dark’, the lights in Isundu Drive have been out since the beginning of the year.

It appears that Ethekwini are either unable or unwilling to do anything about it.

I reported this as well as the bottom of Old Main Road by Isundu Drive, Toti CBD by the river in February and again at the beginning of May. I see there seems to be more and more areas with the lights going out and not being fixed.

That stretch on Isundu is extremely dark and there are a lot of pedestrians. I wonder if it will take someone getting killed before Ethekwini will sort this out?


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