Nkandla solution for Durban homeless

The country will always need firemen and I do not think too many have had to utilise a firepool.

EDITOR – The proposed re-location of so-called vagrants from Durban to the Lower Illovo area is pointless.

You cannot solve a problem by simply moving it around.

These people came to the city in search of a better life – jobs, housing and so on. As there were no jobs, therefore no houses, they have congregated in the only place where they could survive. Of course in order to survive they have resorted to crime and also become targets for drug dealers, thus putting them into an ever-worsening situation which the City seems powerless to resolve.

Although I agree that they should be removed from this environment, unless they can be lifted out of their misery, they will simply return. They need an environment with housing, security and work and that is the only way to resolve this issue.

You cannot solve a problem by simply moving it around.

Nkandla is just the place. There is plenty of accommodation, it is secure and there are plenty of job opportunities there. They could take over the security there, thus freeing up police who can protect us – the public. From reports it would seem that a lot of the recent work done there is quite shoddy, so they could be trained in construction and have their own ‘fixer upper’. Animal husbandry is another opportunity with cattle to herd and poultry to feed. Maybe a company would support this? The tuck shop offers the opportunity for a grounding in the retail sector. The country will always need firemen and I do not think too many have had to utilise a firepool.

But what, you may ask, would the President think of this ground-breaking opportunity? Firstly, by his own admission, he does not know what is happening at Nkandla and secondly, when he learns of the way that the eThekwini Council has turned a social disaster into jobs, I am sure his gratitude will know no bounds. It’s a win-win all round!



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