Zondo deserves every accolade for heroism

Andrew was indeed a hero.

EDITOR: I refer to the letter by ‘Steve the Wonder’ on 19 June.

I really did not expect this confrontation.

I think the writer is deliberately missing the point and his comment fly in the face of reality.

He introduces smokescreens to cloud the vision of the readers. His comments are nothing but a red herring aimed at distracting the attention of the readers from the point at issue.

The point at issue and thus the cause of the matter here is that Andrew Zondo was a freedom fighter against the oppression and white domination. He used whatever means were available to him at the time. It was not a matter of choice.

It is unfortunate that in such war situations, sometimes innocent lives become the victims of such circumstances. In a war situation, the end justifies the means.

Andrew was indeed a hero. He fought to achieve the desired goal of freedom which the masses enjoy today, and this cost him his life. What more do you want from a hero? He deserves every accolade for that brave act. He deserves the honour of having Kingsway named after him.

I can see that it was your fervent wish to have Kingsway named after one of the oppressors. I can understand your frustration. Anyway I will not talk about this anymore – you got the message.




(Please note: Comments posted on this issue may be used for publication in the Sun)

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