
Toti beach snake

It would be interesting to know what kind of snake it was and if it is poisonous.

EDITOR – Toti beach represents not only sea and sand but also wildlife!

See the attached photo of this beautiful snake we encountered last Saturday, 9 May on the Toti beach, just past the pipeline.

My fiance picked it up by the tail and set it free in the bushes on the dunes.

It did not appear aggressive although it did not like being carried by the tail. We did not have any nature conservation contact numbers and thought it best to deposit it back into the wild where it probably came from, before it got killed or bit anybody.

It would be interesting to know what kind of snake it was and if it is poisonous.  Also, is it common for these snakes to be so close to the water?

Not a dull moment on the beach!



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