
Expose lies about religion

He should stick to the topic at hand - her explanation to church leaders.

EDITOR – A response to the letter headlined ‘O ye of little faith’ in last week’s Sun.

Frank Horn’s lengthy letter bashing Marie Bowker was somewhat distasteful as she merely had to explain the real truth concerning Easter and the egg addition which scrambles the true Passover meaning, which some churches continually fail to explain.

Because Horn didn’t read Marie’s letter properly, he responded with many flattering words and brought other religions into the equation. He should stick to the topic at hand – her explanation to church leaders. It is utter garbage that children are amping themselves in the craving of Easter eggs at this time of the year, as children have a built in ability to crave sweet things at all times, however, so is a hungry man after the truth. To obtain the truth a hungry man would accept anything to become a convert that remotely sounded like a spiritual filling in life, even among the eggs and chocolates as he would not know any better.

Can you imagine if a new convert had to confront a church leader at some time on how the chocolate eggs and the Passover are related? I shudder to think of the answer he would be given, never mind the new convert’s thoughts of the church leader.

God’s Word is continually on trial simply because it exposes man’s immoral lifestyle, his evil ways and convicts him of them. Man’s wisdom is clearly explained in 1 Corinthians 3:19. Read it sometime. Ever heard ‘eat the meat and spit out the bones’? Well this cliché constitutes a dire problem because the bones and the meat don’t get separated until chewed – such is the case with pagan chocolate eggs and Passover, but then it is too late. Unlearning ingrained lies can be time consuming. Adding natural food to spiritual food has always been man’s downfall and the Garden of Eden was a prime example. Another was Esau,who gave up his firstborn heritage because he put his stomach ahead of his birthright.

Blurting out statements and thinking one is standing up for the masses is one thing, but what happens when they come to knowing the truth, what would they think of this person that was hellbound to lead them astray. We have to be so guarded what we say about God’s truth in our earthly wisdom because we might just exclude ourselves from eternal life.

There are but a handful of Christians that are sick and tired of tiptoeing around and not speaking up against lies and half truths that are tarnishing Christianity, as is prevalent nowadays especially within the walls of the church (Jude 4-5). The Bible says we must expose them. If we don’t stand up for something,we will fall for anything.


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