
Businesses, council need to maintain Winklespruit

There is constant sand in the road. Surely council can see this or is it a case of the public must think for them, as it seems they cannot do their job?

EDITOR – It is troublesome that people have the time to play and write politics when our little town Winkelspruit is a dump to live in.
Use your time and energy to rather fight the municipality for not delivering or doing the jobs they are supposed to as we pay rates and taxes.
The municipality has no consideration for this community, yet they take our rates and taxes every month.
At Gordon Road, the steel railing runs across the railway bridge is so rusted, has sharp edges and is broken. So many people use this bridge and I am sure the government does not want a lawsuit hanging over its heads due to neglect if people should cut themselves. Replace this railing with a stable wooden fence.
There is constant sand in the road. Surely council can see this or is it a case of the public must think for them, as it seems they cannot do their job?
In the same road, near the hardware, was a beautiful tree which was cut down, a stable fence was removed, continuously broken bricks dumped on the pavement and once where there was grass, it is now a dusty, bare patch which makes the place look like a dump. Tar it.
Once again in the same road, on the pavement next to the hardware, there are constantly white bags and wooden crates dumped, which means the hardware as a business has no respect for us as a community. Shame on you. It would be interesting to read about our bylaws regarding this business.
Then on the corner of Gordon Road, there were plenty of tall trees which were removed to make space for another hardware’s building material and this makes the area look like an untidy concrete building site. Surely these two businesses can put a fence around their premises so that we and visitors do not have to look into this mess/dump?

To these two businesses, take some pride and if you have no pride, then consider the residents paying rates and taxes every month for this area.
We all want to live in a beautiful, clean town next to the sea and give our visitors reason to come back. If everyone just did their jobs in council/municipality, then it would not be necessary to write letters like this.


There is two sides to a story

EDITOR – We have dealt with this issue with regards to cutting of the tall trees at the corner of Gordon Road.
We were thanked in the Sun by the municipality and the councillor for cutting down those tall trees which your reader writes about.
Those trees were alien trees that were destroying our environment. Crime was rampant among those trees. A young girl was assaulted in those bushes. We have actually decreased crime in the area. with no more hiding places for whoonga smokers and drinkers. We thank the reader for his concern, we will do our best, but there is always two sides to a story.

Resident’s concern is duly noted

EDITOR – To the residents and community of Winklespruit, your concern is duly noted. An effort will be made to tidy the immediate area of concern.
We have also assisted the residents by cutting the overgrowth in the area, but these good deeds do not get noticed. The tree that you refer to was cut down because it had rot and this was done with consultation with the parks department and with their approval. Being a concerned citizen, could you please assist in getting rid of the ‘whoonga merchants’ that operate in this vicinity. Numerous residents and commuters have fallen victim to the criminal activities.

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