Petty theft a major problem in Toti

Certainly if there are people walking around at these early hours, they are not up to any good.

EDITOR – In reference to your article ‘Tap thieves turn water off before theft’ in your 17 January edition, I have lived in Amanzimtoti for the past three years and I have noticed that in the past three months, there was an increase in petty theft.

We have had our house number and street name on a pillar at our gate, in a copper casting. This was stolen. Since this event, I have referred to the incident when speaking to friends, and to my surprise, theft is common in Toti and house numbers, taps, garden furniture and so on is stolen on a regular basis.

These incidents happen in the early morning hours. Certainly if there are people walking around at these early hours, they are not up to any good. Secondly the items get sold to another criminal, the business people who buy these items from the thieves.

Now I am wondering why early morning patrols by security companies and an investigation of the businesses buying the stolen property is not the answer to our problems?

To our hardworking security companies, I will pay extra for regular patrols in my neighbourhood to catch these criminals.


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