BlogsEditor's noteOpinion

Crime affects everyone, not just whites

The Red Balloon cause is quite clear in its ideological outlook as stated on its website

THE Red October / Red Balloon Warner Beach campaign takes umbrage at not receiving coverage of its event in this newspaper.
To be clear, the Sun will not promote any event that discriminates on the basis of race.
The Red Balloon cause is quite clear in its ideological outlook as stated on its website, that it champions the issue of “no longer (being) silent about the oppression of the white South African ethnic minority”.
The website goes to say that: “We can no longer be silent about the brutal torture of the elderly and defenseless, the mothers, fathers and children of this minority group.”
It baffles that this kind of rhetoric is still in the mindsets of people close on 20 years after the abolition of apartheid in this country.
It is understood that, when you initiate a campaign under the auspices of an umbrella movement, you fall under that umbrella and are party to its ideology.
It makes no sense to, for instance, claim to be a Christian but practise Hindu ideology.
This newspaper will not further the cause of a movement which discriminates on the basis of race. Surely South Africa’s history is enough of a lesson in this folly?
Crime is not a white problem, it’s a South African problem that affects everyone irrespective of race.
The merits (or lack thereof) of BBBEE as well as several government policies can be debated forever, but racialising debates for the sake of stoking up support is playing with fire.
Perhaps the next generation of South Africans will be less obsessed with making exceptions along racial lines, and be able to move forward as one country, one population and one voice. Sadly, a divisive mindset still clearly exists among the older generation of South Africans.

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