Local news

eThekwini proposes to hike rates and tariffs

The City is still going to consult with the public before the increases are implemented.

A SERIES of annual eThekwini Municipality tariff increases are set to kick in at beginning of the 2023/2024 financial year on July 1. These increases were raised and adopted at the March 30 council meeting where the City’s R66 052 164 billion draft budget was tabled for in-principle approval and public participation.

The proposed increases include 21.91% for electricity, 14.9% and 15.9% respectively for residential and business water use, 11.9% for domestic and 12.9% for business sewage disposal, and 8% for refuse removal. Property rates will see an 8.9% increase, but there will be a 15% decrease from the 2022/23 figure for vacant land.

ALSO READ: How to check your property’s municipal valuation

Ward 97 councillor and eThekwini executive committee member, André Beetge, said rebates, exemptions and municipal tariffs were tabled as a separate 263-page report, along with the medium-term revenue and expenditure framework integrated development plan (IDP), which is available for scrutiny at all municipal libraries.

“In addition, the council approved a series of public engagements where the budget will be presented and the public afforded the opportunity to question or give input for consideration in the final budget that will serve before the council at the end of May. Residents are urged to familiarise themselves with the content of the draft budget, to attend the public engagements, and to submit written input for consideration in a timely manner prior to finalising the budget,” said Beetge.

He added that a request was made that the City facilitate a virtual platform to encourage maximum participation in addition to the in-person engagements. On the South Coast, eThekwini will hold a public engagement on the budget in Umgababa on April 15 at the Umnini sports grounds.

eThekwini Municipality has drawn up a draft 2023/2024 budget.


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