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Warrior Miané urgently needs the community’s help

Miané Ainslie, who survived a near-drowning incident as an infant, continues to struggle with health issues and is in need of financial assistance.

MIANÉ Ainslie, a courageous 10-year-old girl who is battling numerous severe health conditions since surviving a near-drowning accident in 2015, urgently needs the community’s help.

Miané’s story and journey shared on a Facebook page called ‘Warrior Miané – A miracle in the making’ is both heartbreaking and inspiring.

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On November 9, 2015, her life changed dramatically when she nearly drowned at just 19 months old. Despite not having a heartbeat for 45 minutes, hospital personnel were able to resuscitate her. This traumatic event resulted in severe medical conditions, including microcephalic spasticity quadriplegic cerebral palsy, global developmental delay, intellectual disability, pseudobulbar palsy, epilepsy, cortical vision impairment, obstructive sleep apnea, dislocated hips and scoliosis kyphosis of the thoracic spine.

Her mother, Claudette, said that despite all of this, she is not in physical pain and has overcome obstacles no one thought was possible.

Recently, Miané has been experiencing a significant decline, spending most of her days in a coma-like state, which is unusual for her typically cheerful and interactive demeanour.

“This dates back to January when a pseudomonas infection and the subsequent antibiotic treatment caused a chemical reaction in her brain, leading to white matter dystrophy. This condition impedes communication between the brain and the body, exacerbating her health issues,” said Claudette.

On top of this, Miané has contracted influenza and has been on incorrect antibiotics, leading to further toxic infections. Claudette said, “The neurologist has given a new prescription in the hopes that it will clear all the infections and that Miané will start to wake up. Then we will re-evaluate. She also has to receive urgent physiotherapy to help with her lungs and body, and then she urgently needs to get back to the chiropractor as her scoliosis has worsened.”

Miané’s ongoing care requires chronic medication, frequent doctor’s appointments and costly supplements. Her single mother, who is also her full-time caregiver, is facing significant financial strain.

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