Help find missing Amanzimtoti teen

Camera footage from the block of flats shows him wearing black trousers and a black jacket.

ANNELIEN Barnard, aunt of missing 16-year-old Ivan Smit, has asked the community to help locate him, after Ivan left his Beach Road flat on foot on Thursday night, May 12.

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“When my brother got home from work last night, Ivan was not home. As time past he did not return. My brother got in his car, looking for him all night. Unfortunately, Ivan has landed himself in big trouble,” said Barnard.

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Barnard said camera footage from the block of flats shows Ivan wearing black trousers and a black jacket. He has stuff with him, and she is worried that he may try to sell it, she therefore urges people not to buy anything from him nor give him any money.

The family has reported the matter to Amanzimtoti SAPS.

If you have seen Ivan or know his whereabouts, please contact Amanzimtoti SAPS on 031 913 1308.



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