South Coast water and electricity update

Water shortages have sparked protests in some communities.

MORE than a week after the heavy rains that caused damage to infrastructure, eThekwini Municipality is still working to fully restore the water and electricity supply in some suburbs.

ALSO READ: This and that with ward 97 councillor, André Beetge

The area that stretches from Umgababa to Umkomaas, and the nearby inland rural areas have been without water since April 14 and this has caused residents to protest, accusing the municipality of being selective when providing water tankers. On Thursday afternoon, April 21, an angry mob blocked the R102 in Umgababa, saying water tankers do not stop for them. Police had to be called to defuse the situation and reopen the road to traffic.

eThekwini spokesperson Msawakhe Mayisela said Umgeni Water has committed that by Sunday, April 24 it will be able to restore 96% of the normal supply.

“The public must note, however, that some leaks will only be discovered once water supply has been restored, which might further delay restoration to some areas,” said Mayisela.

eThekwini mayor Mxolisi Kaunda said ward councillors have been asked to help coordinate the provision of tankers to their communities.

“Where there are challenges with tankers the community should contact the ward councillor. I also want to assure the community that the water we are providing continues being of a high quality,” said Kaunda.

Ward 97 councillor André Beetge said water supply on the taps is being provided to different suburbs on a rotational basis but the municipality has not provided a roster. He also said electricians were working to restore power in Lotus Park but are still yet to identify the fault.

“They are working in extremely dangerous conditions as some cable are still under water. Let au be patient as they work,” said Beetge.



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