Toti girl to study at Oprah Winfrey’s school

Aphile Mbele has

THE family and teachers of a Grade 7 Mthombeni Primary School learner are over the moon after she received a full scholarship to study at the prestigious Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls from next year.

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Aphile Mbele, 12, from Matashini was one of the best mathematics and English performers at her school this year. She said she was very grateful for the opportunity and will work very hard to maintain good marks that made it possible for her to get the scholarship.

In September, Aphile’s teacher, Nancy Zindela, came across an Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls advert seeking entries for scholarship consideration. Of the four learners from the school that applied, Aphile made the final cut and was accepted after various rounds of tests and interviews.

Mthombeni Primary’s principal, Mbongeni Njapha said he could not be any prouder.

“As a school we feel Aphile has flown our flag high and we are grateful of the opportunity that she has been given. Studying at Oprah’s school will open the whole world to her and she has a chance to even further her studies overseas if she works hard. The school is fully behind her and we know she will do us all proud,” said Njapha.

Her mother, Dumisile said she did not believe the news at first but after signing forms from the school all doubt was removed. “I wish my daughter all the best and I know she will not disappoint us,” she said.  



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