Residents reminded to keep their dogs on leashes

Residents and dog owners, Zeele Pauw and Lee Lewis, hope that their plight is heard by the community at large.

Members of the community who have had it to their wits end with a number of dog owners who disregard by-laws.

“Except for a guide dog, which is being used by a blind person, the municipality reserves the right to prohibit or restrict the access of any animal into a park through a notice to that effect displayed at or near the entrance to such park. Where animal access into a park is not prohibited, any person who brings an animal into a park must keep it under proper control and ensure that any excrement by such animal is immediately removed and disposed of in a waste bin or other receptacle provided by the municipality for that purpose,” states the eThekwini Municipal by-laws.

Residents and dog owners, Zeele Pauw and Lee Lewis, hope that their plight is heard by the community at large. The pair also assisted in installing signage at Hutchison Park to ensure that residents are reminded to have their pets on leashes.

“Most dog owners like to treat their pooches to a brisk walk in the park or on the beach. Nothing wrong with that you would say. But, did you know that it is an offence, in terms of the municipal by-laws, to allow your dog to run unrestrained in public? This effectively means that you will be fined or prosecuted. Just think about it, you are taking your dog for a stroll and suddenly you find yourself frenzied trying to ward off five bundles of sheer arrogance zoning in on your dog, which hates ankle biters, while the totally oblivious owner is busy catching up on chats with a friend,” said Lewis.

She further claims that groups of residents, who do not keep their dogs on leashes, also do not pick up after them.

“What a horrible surprise awaits the next person using the beach, or heaven forbid, our local sports enthusiasts having to dodge your pooches poop. In this day and age, the obvious benefits of having your dog on leash far outweighs the opposite. You are opening yourself up to opportunistic crimes, which is everywhere. So come on residents, let’s do the right thing.”

While, Pauw, who owns a senior dog named Simone, believes that it is unfair that she has to constantly fear her dog’s safety when no-leash dogs are roaming free.

ALSO READ: Consider others when using Hutchison Park

Ward 97 councillor André Beetge, also weighed in on the matter.

“As a society, we are obliged to live and let live, which means although you can enjoy certain freedoms, it has to be done while at the same time, recognising and respecting the freedoms of others. Point is question is a typical example thereof, for as much as one would encourage exercising dogs, it has to be done in line with general acceptability which means dogs have to be on a leash when in public thus ensuring proper control in the interest of safety for all parties.”

He said that there should be no exception as even the most placid animal could become a threat depending circumstances.

“Despite the possibility of a fine, this could also result in financial implications should such an animal be involved in an altercation with a human or another animal that is indeed leashed. Let us not be a contributor to a problem, but rather part of a solution by doing the right thing.”

ALSO READ: Dogs on leashes: how it works

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