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Be in the know – news from 25 years ago in the SUN

A roundup of news snippets from 25 years ago.

Joy-riders wreck car

A WARNER Beach resident is furious following the trashing of her car by joyriders.

Caryl Esterhuizen’s beige Opel Rekord, registration ND 343-774, was stolen from her garage, opposite the bowling greens in Gus Brown Road. Police contacted her at about 10pm to tell her her car had been found and she didn’t even know it had been stolen.

The car was found on Old Main Road behind Shulton Park with the back window smashed, the boot and back door damaged and the radio missing. This is the sixth time Caryl has had a car stolen.


Call to have big bangs banned

NOT only are big bangs distressing for dogs, people too find them irritating and will join the call to have them banned.

Louise Kruger of Aghulas flats said firecrackers started going off from about October through to January. She said they are a nuisance, particularly when people place bangers in a rubbish bin and light them.

“The bang is incredible and causes distress,” she said. She said her neighbours too had complained of being woken by big bangs.


Restaurant hit by robbers

EMPLOYEES of a local restaurant had a close call when armed robbers burst in and demanded money from staff.

Co-owner of the Keg in Toti, Sean Gass, was sitting in his office when three men burst into his office. One was armed with a gun and one with a knife. They demanded cash, but were told cash was not kept on the premises.

The bar-lady saw the men and screamed. The suspects panicked and fled, running in the direction of the highway.


Drift school should be closed down

AN Umkomaas resident has called for the immediate closure of the Drift School which is situated close to the Sappi Saiccor plant.

Neville Burgess said in a letter to the Umkomanzi Transitional Local Council: “The Drift School children must, with immediate effect, be moved from the Drift School for the protection of their health.”

He said the urgency for their removal can readily be verified by the chief air pollution officer, M Lloyd.


New Rapid Response car nabs carjackers

THE day the new Rapid Response vehicle was handed to police, it was instrumental in tracking a stolen vehicle.

On the day set aside to officially present the vehicle to the police, the Rapid Response car was returning from Durban, having had a radio fitted. As the team approached Toti, they picked up a call that a vehicle had just been stolen in the CBD.

Ten minutes later the new car intercepted the vehicle as it entered Umlazi. Police arrested the occupants.

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