Kingsway Hospital is doing a good job [LETTER]

A network of fine doctors, professionalism in all departments and disciplines, providing individual medical care, with compassion.

EDITOR – Kingsway Hospital has featured prominently in the news of late.
Personally, based on my experiences as a patient on more than one occasion in recent months, I think we are fortunate to have a facility such as Kingsway in our midst.
Suddenly ending up in ICU at one stage, came as quite a shock to me. But nerves calmed when skilled nursing staff are constantly at your side, working with confidence. The same can be said for theatre and ward staff.
All things considered, Kingsway Hospital is a first-class establishment. A network of fine doctors, professionalism in all departments and disciplines, providing individual medical care, with compassion.
I’m no expert on such matters, but if the state intends establishing a national health service, I would suggest that they first seek the advice of Kingsway and its management and staff.


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