Letter to the editor – Pleasant experience at Galleria Mall

When there seems to be so much bad news around right now, I thought I would share my experience.

EDITOR – I went to Galleria this week and on arriving back in Scottburgh, I realised that my handbag was missing.
Panic set in and I went back to Galleria. I parked in the same area that I’d parked in earlier. As I left the car, I bumped into a security guard. I told him that I had lost my handbag and he said that he’d found it in the trolley and had handed it into Galleria Mall security. When I got my handbag back everything was intact.
I would like to convey my sincere thanks the security guard for his honesty. I was most grateful as this saved me many hours at Home Affairs, the bank and licensing. The fact that I got my phone back, all my bank cards, ID, driver’s license and cash, was a real Godsend. I cannot thank him enough.
My thanks to Galleria Mall as well. When there seems to be so much bad news around right now, I thought I would share my experience.


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