Busy schedule awaits Winkle bowlers

Monthly mixed 2-4-2 is on Saturday, 8 February, at 8.30am for 9am. Contact Barrie de Wee

Social bowls on Wednesday, 22 January and Friday, 24 January, was well supported at Winkle Bowling Club.

Friday evenings meal was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The club gives thanks to Edna and John Leslie for sponsoring the food and Trish Farmer for all her hard work in preparing the meal. Ron Wilson won the attendance draw, as he was not present there is a carry over.

Overall winners of the Clearwater Spur men’s 2-4-2 played on Thursday, 23 January, were Mike Kruger and Barry Hilton. The second session was won by Steve Evenwel and Shawn Sutherland. The 100 board was won by Keith Holmes.

In the club’s monthly mixed trips played on Saturday, 25 January, overall winners were Brian Farmer, Bill and Linda Hobbs. Second session winners were Annalie Pienaar, Herman van Zyl and Gert Richter. The 100 board was won by Linda Hobbs.

Dates to diarise: Women’s Winkle trips will be played on Thursday, 6 February, starting time 8.30am for 9am. Contact Lou Bingham.

Monthly mixed 2-4-2 is on Saturday, 8 February, at 8.30am for 9am. Contact Barrie de Wee.

Women’s Twinkle trips takes place on Wednesday, 12 February, starting time 8.30am for 9am. Contact Lou Bingham.

Men’s trips is on Thursday, 13 February, at 8.30am for 9am. Contact Barrie de Wee.

Social bowls is on Wednesdays and Fridays, starting time 3pm for 3.30pm. There will be a meal on Friday, 31 January. Should you wish to attend, put your name on the board or contact Norma Raath.

The club wishes all those with birthdays a blessed year ahead.

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