Time and funds runs out for recycling centre

All I am asking for is a little more time to complete the move.

“This project generates no income for myself. All I ask is that the community accommodates me until I can complete the move.”   These were the words spoken by a tired and defeated Jean-Claude Matthysen who was issued a R2000 fine from the eThekwini Municipality.

The fine comes after he was unable to move his recycling centre to a piece of land that was allocated to him in Westmead. Matthysen obtained the land in October last year and was supposed to have been moved into the new premises by December. However, he claims that due to financial set backs transporting all of the recycling material could not be possible.  Despite orange bag collections being on hold for the greater ward 97, collections are done for residents who were loyal to the organisation since its inception.

ALSO READ: Residents urged to continue recycling

Speaking to the SUN, Matthysen said, “We hoped that the move would have been done months ago. But with limited resources we are trying to make do with what we have. We are trying to work 24 hours a day. We are breaking ourselves trying to make the organisation a success. We have so much of pressure from residents who initially were on board with the project. People just need to bare with us.”

Meanwhile, a resident who lives in close proximity to the organisation, Marc Shepard said,

“My neighbour, who resides next door to my property is running a salvaging and social development programme from his property, which has now become a dump site for local residents in the area. Vehicles come and go all day, dropping off unwanted scrap, which is dumped on the property and can now be seen high above the property walls. There is no way that this cannot be deemed a health risk, with piles of flammable and hazardous materials on the property. The stagnant dark green water in the swimming pool has now become a breeding ground for mosquitoes, as well as cockroaches and rats that are breeding on the property. To add insult to injury, the noise pollution of the owners vehicle bringing in goods and taking goods away, the load noise of electrical tools late at night and well into the early hours of the morning, have made both my parents and my family’s life a living nightmare.”

ALSO READ: Passionate Toti environmentalist assists with orange bag project

Matthysen further stated that the fire department did inspect the area. The issue is that we are operating from a residential area and that the pool was green. We are committed to fixing both of these issues. We have already made a huge impact on the community. All I am asking for is a little more time to complete the move.”

He also appeals for help from anyone who can assist with transport, finance to complete the registration of the organisation and manual labour. He can be contacted on 065-022-2815.

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