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Summer weather increases risk for headaches

South Africa is not called Sunny South Africa for nothing; it’s the season most South Africans look forward to for its long, lazy weekends and holidays full of braais, swimming, sports, and picnics.

But a recent study shows headache risk jumps 8% each time the temperature climbs nine degrees. The study, published in Neurology, the official journal of the European Neurological Society, found heat may make the blood vessels in your skull expand and press up against surrounding nerve endings, creating a very sensitive situation.

Dr Elliot Shevel, a South African migraine surgery pioneer and the medical director of The Headache Clinic, says the research shows having too much sun can all lead to headaches.

“As a result, even normal blood flow can feel like a jackhammer drilling through your cranium. Headaches are people’s number one physical woe, but you don’t have to live with the pain. You can stop the throbbing and get back to the beach,” said Shevel.

There are a few ways you can have a headache-free summer:

Eat healthy meals

Eat balanced meals three times a day with healthy snacks in between to make sure your body gets the nutrients and energy it needs. Hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) can also trigger headaches in many people. If a meal with high sugar content is eaten, it can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels followed by a fast drop that may trigger a headache.

Eating a meal with low sugar content may prevent the onset of a headache during the day. Call The Headache Clinic on 0861 678 911 for a list of foods which have a low glycemic index. Remember that skipping meals is a sure-fire trigger for headaches. Eat in moderation and enjoy your meals.

Beware of too much sun

It’s not only the heat, but bright sunlight will often also trigger headaches. Many headache and migraine sufferers are sensitive to bright light and they should avoid it when they have a headache. It is wise to wear sunglasses for protection.

Stay active

Taking part in physical activities are not only great fun, but also an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Take up some form of everyday physical activity that will help you stay healthy. Learn the right stretching exercises to stretch the muscles of the head, face, neck and jaw. Stretching should be gentle and soothing, not agonisingly painful.

For a free copy of exercises, contact The Headache Clinic.

Steer clear of stress

Summer can be a very stressful time for most, thanks to large family gatherings over the festive season and stress is a major headache trigger. The latest research conducted by the World Health Organization has shown 80% of headaches are caused by muscle tension, which is triggered by stress.

Keep your fluid intake up

The human brain is more than 75% water, and it is very sensitive to the amount of water available to it. When the brain detects that the water supply is too low, it begins to produce histamines. This is essentially a process of water rationing and conservation, in order to safeguard the brain in case the water shortage continues for a long period of time. The histamines directly cause pain and fatigue.

When to see a doctor

It is crucial that if your headaches persist, you should get to the root of the problem. The longer the headache persists, the more damage will be done to the underlying structures. A ‘multi-disciplinary” assessment will need to be done.

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