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Potatoes are not just for cooking

After reading this article, you will start thanking the spud gods for this amazing and flexible creation.

The superhero spud is not just for making delicious dishes like mash, fried chips and  Simba chips but the potato has so many uses outside of the kitchen – you will start thanking the spud gods for this amazing and flexible creation.

According to the website, https://www.care2.com potatoes can be used for:

  • Cleaning your silverware: Put your silverware in the remaining water and leave it there for about an hour. Then remove the silverware and wash.
  • Remove rust: Cut open a raw potato and rub it on a rusted area: the acid in the potato’s juice will dissolve the rust, while the skin of the potato should remove it.
  • Lose your puffy eyes: Lie down again and apply slices of raw, cold potatoes to your eyes for up to 10 minutes to make that puffiness go away.

READ www.care2.com for more interesting tips


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