Winkle Bowling Club’s AGM takes place this weekend

Winkle Bowling Club members are reminded of the AGM on Saturday, 24 August, at 8.30am for 9am.

Dress code is whites and members must bring a plate of eats.

Overall winners of the women’s Caltex twinkle trips on Wednesday, 14 August, were Estelle van der Merwe, Elaine Critchlow and Lorna Sourgen. First session went to Denise Bingham, Debbie Gueffroy and Dani Cardoso, and the second was won by Julie Sutherland, Jacqui Fouche and Amanda Ninow. The 100 board was won by Dot Liebertrau. Mike Kruger, André Gelderbloom and Brian Hollis defeated John Scott, Tony Fitzsimmons and Brian Cox in the men’s nominated trips. In the mixed nominated 2-4-2, Brian Farmer and Elmarie Young overcame Freddy Hetterscheidt. Members are reminded that competitions need to be finalised as soon as possible and check the board for games to be played to avoid carding. The men’s 2-4-2 will be played on Thursday, 22 August, at 8.30am for 9am, contact Barrie de Wee. The meal on Friday evening, 16 August, was once again well prepared and thoroughly enjoyed by all and thanks to Dot and Steve Liebertrau for the donation of vegetables. The attendance draw was won by Tony Fitzsimmons, but as he was not present, there will be a carry-over. There will not be a meal on Friday evening, 23 August. Social bowls is on Wednesdays and Fridays at 1.30pm for 2pm.


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