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Five desserts to make using leftover hot cross buns this Easter

Don’t throw away those stale, leftover hot cross buns, take a minute or two and turn them into these delicious treats.

1 Hot cross bun bread and butter pudding
Heat the oven to 180°C. Halve and butter six hot cross buns and arrange, butter side up, in an ovenproof dish. Warm 500ml full-cream milk and 300ml cream; whisk four eggs with 150g castor sugar, then whisk into the warm cream mix. Pour over the buns. When the custard is absorbed, sprinkle with one tablespoon sugar and bake for 40 to 45 minutes.

2 Yoghurt parfaits
Take a couple of hot cross buns, halve and spread with apricot jam. Cut in half again and arrange in four tumblers with a few chopped tinned apricots. Top with Greek yoghurt, then sprinkle with brown sugar. Allow the sugar to melt into a caramel and serve.

3 French toast
Cut hot cross buns into soldiers or slices, then dunk in beaten egg. Fry for a couple of minutes on each side in melted butter until golden and crispy.

4 Chocolate toasties
Slice hot cross buns and butter one side of each half. Spread each unbuttered side with chocolate spread and sandwich together with the butter on the outside. Heat a frying pan and cook the toasties for three to four minutes each side until gooey and melted.

5 Mini hot cross bun baked Alaskas
Heat the oven to 200°C. Stamp out two circles from a hot cross bun and put on a baking tray. Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream to each and freeze. Meanwhile, whisk one egg white until stiff, then whisk in 50g castor sugar. Dollop the meringue on top of the ice cream until it’s completely covered. Bake for five to 10 minutes.
Source: essentials.co.za

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