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The reality of moving in with your partner

Here's what to expect when taking the decision to move in with your significant other.

Living with your significant other before can be pretty rewarding but not always a walk in the park. If you’re thinking about moving in with your partner for the first time, here are a few pros and cons to keep in mind as you make your decision.

The Pro’s

  • Coming home after work is suddenly a lot more exciting

  • You always have someone to vent to
  • You get to share responsibilities with someone you love and trust

  • Awkward pauses are no longer a thing because you guys are experts at sitting together in comfortable silence.
  • You’ll find more ways to do sweet, random little things for each other

  • You have someone to take care of you when you’re sick.
  • Grocery shopping is so much easier — and maybe even fun.
  • Shared rent and utilities
  • You have the opportunity to create a home that reflects both of your tastes and preferences.

  • Waking up every morning next to each other really is the best.


The Con’s

  • You tend to go out less (or just redefine what a “date” is) because you’re spending more time together at home.
  • When it comes to decorating, you have to learn how to compromise.
  • You pretty much can’t avoid each other if you’re fighting.

  • Officially or unofficially, one of you will become the “clean boo” and the other the “messy boo.”
  • When it comes to chores, you kind of naturally fall into the roles you’re more inclined toward
  • You will have to face some tough subjects together, such as money and household roles
  • You might start to feel pressure to get married because, after cohabitation, marriage is typically seen as the next step


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