Looking Back -25yrs in the SUN

Take a look at what was in the news 25 years ago

TWO AECI employees were taken to hospital after being overcome by chlorine fumes last Friday.

The men were trying to stop a leak in a chlorine cylinder at 10.55am.

They managed to contain the leak within 10 minutes. The leak therefore only affected the vicinity of the plant. “For safety reasons the complex was alerted and employees were moved into gas rooms,” said a spokesman for AECI.

ATTIE Fourie (46) of Amanzimtoti appeared in court on Wednesday in connection with charges relating to an international drug smuggling syndicate.

Major Piet Meyer, head of SANAB in Durban, said police had dealt a massive blow to the syndicate when they arrested Fourie and confiscated compressed dagga worth R7-million on European streets. “This must be one of the biggest successes we’ve ever had in smashing a drug syndicate in South Africa,” said Major Meyer.

POLICE searched the area in and around the NBS and United Bank in Toti last Friday morning, after an anonymous caller warned that a bomb had been planted there.

Lt Pelser of Toti CID said employees were asked to leave the building while the premises were searched. Nothing was found.

THE quick thinking of George Snodey, proprietor of Turnmore Traders, Warner Beach led to the arrest by Toti CID of a man in connection with theft.

At around 11am on Monday, George was approached by a young man believed to be in his early 20s. He was trying to sell a video machine and M-Net decoder. George became suspicious of the man and kept him occupied while his wife contacted Toti CID. The man was arrested. It is believed the items he was trying to sell had been stolen from a house in Morningside.

DESPITE a 90% assurance from Baton Rouge developers that a Woolworths store was on the cards, Woolworths management has confirmed they do not have plans to open a branch in Toti at this stage.

Store development group executive Paul Simpson said the considerable local interest and support for a ‘Woolies’ branch had been noted, along with “a number of other important locations across the country.” No reason was given for the decision not to move into Toti.

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